Fox Ghost (2002)

AKA: Erotic Ghost Story, Erotic Ghost Story: Flirtatious Pairs, Liáo zhai zhì yì zhi niè yù gu xian, 聊斋志异之孽欲孤魂 | Directed by Tong Man-Hong | Country: Hong Kong, China | Language: Mandarin , Cantonese | 95 mins
Cast: : Sophie Ngan, Philip Keung Hiu-Man, Matthew Ng Ting, Miyuki Hôrai, Akeno Junko
Subtitles : English

A handsome, outstanding student and always wins women’s hearts, soon married to tycoon’s daughter. To prepare for the upcoming exam, he moves in an abandoned house. During his stay, he meets two sexy, beautiful, and troublesome ghosts.

[NF] Fox Ghost (2002)
[RG] Fox Ghost (2002)