Sex Of Golden Plums Part 1&2 (2008) Uncensored + Taiwan Version 10 Eps

AKA: 金瓶梅禁傳 – 上卷, | Directed by Wang Ai Di | Country: Hong Kong | Language: Mandarin , Cantonese | Disc1-106 mins Disc2-112 mins
Cast: : Yeung Shi-Man, Lee Yua-Ching, Tsui Fei-Chi
Subtitles : English, Chinese

Northern Song Dynasty, Ximen Qing, a lustful and wealthy merchant is dead. The grim reapers then escort him to the Palace of Yama in hell, the court of the lord of death. Yama immediately puts him on the last judgment. His crimes committed on earth are fully shown. Ximen Qing is born a womanizer, other than the numerous wives and concubines he has at home, he continues to have sex with different women outside. He has interests in prostitutes, maids, married women, virgins, i.e. every single kind of women. In order to coax the beautiful wives, he kills their husbands, and that Wu Da Lang, the ugly husband of the seductive Golden Lotus, is not the only victim… Nevertheless, Ximen Qing denies all of his crimes and argues with Yama. Yama feels indignation at his impudent behaviors and discloses some secrets even Ximen Qing is not aware of…

[NF] Sex Of Golden Plums Part 1&2 (2008) Uncensored + Taiwan Version 10 Eps
[RG] Sex Of Golden Plums Part 1&2 (2008) Uncensored + Taiwan Version 10 Eps