AKA: 新 高校教師 桃色の放課後 | Directed by Hidetsuo Kagi | Country: Japan | Language: Japanese | 70 mins
Cast: : An (Ann) Nanba 南波杏
Subtitles : –
Synopsis (Google Translate)
Teachiko, an educational apprentice, meets students at a movie study group in a classroom after school. Asked by the students who talk hotly about their dreams, Momoko, who was supposed to participate as an actress, is confused by the skimpy costumes, but as the filming progresses, she cancels with the students. Reiko is forced to work at school, filming after school, and when he gets tired and goes home, his exquisite boyfriend is busy and his days pass.
However, the students are punished after being found by Reiko, the teacher in charge of the shooting site. To protect the students’ dreams, Reiko’s despicable trap attacks Momoko, who confronts Reiko…!