A Young Wife Private Tutor The Pleasure Of A Wife Being Spoiled By A Younger Man… (2010)

AKA: – | Directed by Daisuke Goto | Country: Japan | Language: Japanese | 68 mins
Cast: : Akari Hoshino Anna Tomo / Keisuke Iba, Ryo Ueda Seiji Nakamitsu
Subtitles : –

Natsumi is married to Renji, a passionate teacher at the school where she trains. She is sued by her student, Soichi, who she meets by chance, saying that she has a grudge against Renji. Natsumi looks back at Soichi, who tries to sue her for her violence, in her study. and from that day on she will be a tutor. Soichi’s fantasies grow with the charming Natsumi. The study session for the two begins, and things take an unexpected turn…

[NF] A Young Wife Private Tutor The Pleasure Of A Wife Being Spoiled By A Younger Man… (2010)
[RG] A Young Wife Private Tutor The Pleasure Of A Wife Being Spoiled By A Younger Man… (2010)