AKA: – | Directed by Kenji Hanyu | Country: Japan | Language: Japanese | 88 mins
Cast: : Anri Okita, Nozomi Nishiyama, Tomohiro Okada, Koichiro Murata, Keihiro Kitade, Sanshiro Kobayashi
Subtitles : –
Synopsis (Google Translate)
Shota (40), a virgin, bumps into his classmate Taizo. Shota is reluctantly invited to Taizo’s house and is shocked to learn that Reiko, the girl he admired, has married Taizo. While holding back tears, Shota secretly masturbates in Reiko’s panties and falls down the stairs. The place I fell was an empty field. Shota, still wondering what was going on, returned to his apartment and was even more surprised. He was right in front of me when he was in college! And even Megumi, who lived next door… Shota travels back in time and struggles to lose his virginity!!