Mahjong Queen (2010) HD

AKA: – | Directed by Jiro Ishikawa | Country: Japan | Language: Japanese | 88 mins
Cast: : Riri Kuribayashi, Naoyuki Chiba, Hiroshi Fujita, Ryoichi Inaba, Junichiro Asano
Subtitles : –

Synopsis (Google Translate)
Kokushi, the mahjong parlor’s poster girl, has decided to marry Kyosuke, who is aiming to become a professional mahjong player, and is living a happy life. Her father, Tetsuji, used to work as a pinch hitter for the Yakuza, but decided to retire when Jun got married. Tetsuji goes to the final battle with his disciple Chota, but is killed by the enemy group’s tricks and despicable means. Due to discussions between the two groups, the matter remains vague. Kyosuke also leaves Jun, who has lost her father, and Jun is at a loss, but she and Chota decide to avenge Tetsuji. The fate of Jun, the daughter of her legendary pinch hitter…

[RG] Mahjong Queen (2010) HD